Sunday, September 11, 2016

Every Day in September 2016, #11 - Environments and Habitats - FOREST

EDiS – Environments/Habitats - #11 - "Forest"
The big, tall cedars and fir trees on this island are, sadly, just a cash crop for the landowners who hold them. In times like these, when building is on the upswing, lumber is a valuable commodity. The owners of the forest of towering trees behind and adjoining my house caved to the temptation (though they told me repeatedly they never would) and brought in a logging company to clearcut the property. For days the air was filled with the sickening crash/thud of the giants going down. In the end, there was nothing left but a swath of stump field, leftover brush, and open sky.
I used to lie in bed at night and listen to the conversations in the branches between the owls, right outside my window. Now the Great Horned and Barred Owls have moved on to somewhere else. But every night I imagine I hear them asking "Who would do this to us? Who? Who?"

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